The Last Drive

A two page tribute to the album Heavy Liquid by the rock band The Last Drive, commissioned by Tilt Publisher, 2009

The Gabardine

WORKS / COMICS The gabardine “The Gabardine”, a four-page comic, based on a true story as I heard it from my own father, Nicos Papadatos, set during the nazi occupation of Greece in 1943. NEXT Note on Claude-Levi-Strauss Previous Next

Note on Claude-Levi-Strauss

Sketch of Levi-Strauss

WORKS / COMICS Claude Levi-Strauss Για τον Claude Levi-Strauss: ένα τρισέλιδο κόμικ σε σενάριο του Απόστολου Δοξιάδη κατόπιν παραγγελίας των Financial Times. Μια συζήτηση των δημιουργών του Logicomix για τον μεγάλο ανθρωπολόγο. NEXT Why we write Previous Next